Junta Stations New Missile Battalion on Border
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Junta Stations New Missile Battalion on Border

By THE IRRAWADDY Thursday, July 22, 2010


Burma has positioned a new air defense missile battalion close to the Thailand-Burma border, according to sources at the Coastal Regional Military Command in Mergui, also known as Myeik, in southern Burma.

“A new air defense battalion has been stationed in Aung Thar Warya Village in Palaw Township, Tenasserim Division,” said the source.

The new battalion is under the command of No.2 Air Defense Operation Command in Mergui, which was established in 2002 to control the air defense system along the southern Thai-Burma border.

Tunguska-M1 Air Defense Systems.
The military source said the battalion is made up of at least 12 Russian-made Tunguska M1 air defense vehicles teamed with three sets of surface-to-air missiles.

The Tunguska truck carries self-propelled, anti-aircraft gun and surface-to-air missile systems.

Normally, Burmese air defense battalions are also equipped with 57 mm and 40 mm anti-aircraft auto-cannons, 37 mm anti-aircraft guns and Russia-made IGLA, a portable anti-aircraft missile (SAM).

Besides deploying new air defense battalions in the southern region, the military recently built a new radar air defense warning station in Palaw Township.

“The War Office was ordered to find the highest hill among the Tenasserim mountain range in Palaw Township for the a radar station,” said a military source.

The radar station will monitor Thailand’s air space. Burma air defense warning battalions use the GALAXY early warning radar system including 1L radar, 117 radar, P 37 radar and other P series radar systems.

The Tatmadaw, Burma's military, has sent junior officers in air defense battalions to Russia to be trained in portable, air defense missile systems.

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The Blue Mazda Wrote:
Also, Than Shwe is so far away from having a nuclear weapon that it's almost a joke to the international community.

Blue Mazda Wrote:
While I don't doubt that the majority of arms purchases are intended to intimidate the population, it's important that we see things for what they really are.

The Tunguska is a purely air defence weapon. Unless the Burmese population is planning to grow wings and take to the sky, this is not meant for them. The SPDC has been focusing on air defence since the 2000 border clash with Thailand where the Thais won air superiority without being challenged. They managed to kill a Major with air strikes and penetrated Yangon airspace. I think this is why they are buying MiGs and SAM missiles so they can carry out whatever operations against the Karens without being challenged.

As for external threats, the possibility of conflict with Bangladesh is very real. This is a dilemma for me as to who to support. If the junta win then they will have greater financial security but looking ahead, I would rather that the oil and gas fields belong to the Burmese for the use of future generations.

Myanmar Patriots Wrote:
This defence system is 'cheap cosmetic'! Useless and waste of money.
Real defence is:
1.Unity with the people- let Shwebomin II help you unite with the people.
2. Patriotism
3. Diplomacy with China,Japan,India,Russia,Brazil etc.
4. Solidarity with ASEAN
5. Good economic management
6. Real education for all people of Burma, particularly in Burmese history, world history and politics - and economics.

The Blue Mazda Wrote:
The Tunguska is far from outdated and useless. They were in Russian frontline service in the Ossetia war. Military power is relative. These weapons may not match the US's arsenal but could more than match say Thailand or Bangladesh. Of course now Thailand and Bangladesh will probably escalate their arms purchases. The junta are creating a regional arms build-up.

George Than Setkyar Heine Wrote:
These weapons were sited not to defend the country from external foes (none in existence until today) but to turn on the people in case they employ 'people power' to topple Than Shwe and his thugs reigning at Naypyidaw, trust me.
Since day one Than Shwe has great apprehension of the people's backlash which he duly deserves as well for raiding, robbing, raping, razing, burning and killing people while instilling fear in the citizenry's hearts as worldwide known.
He moved to desolate Naypyidaw away from the people and hid in the tunnels for his safety and security.
Then he bought weapons to threaten and annihilate the people.
He is siting the weapons at strategic locations for use on the people in case they turned on him en masse (people power).
Now he is after weapons of mass destruction to threaten the neighboring countries and the region if not the world as well.
The monk murderer with nuclear weapons in his hands is akin to a monkey playing with grenades in the neighborhood no less.

Peter Ole Kvint Wrote:
For which reason buy scrap arms?! For the corruption.

Natshinnaung Wrote:
Outdated and useless. Waste of money.

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