By The Irrawaddy
AUGUST, 1997 - VOLUME 5 NO.4/5
(Page 3 of 3)
Although Burmese authorities had said that he was killed, actually he had escaped back to England through Thailand in the middle of 1950 and only in about 1980 did he expire. This reflected the involvement of the British. Because of this, I’m convinced that the British were involved in the assassination of Bogyoke. As mentioned before, the fact that Vivian, Young and Dane had issued U Saw arms are obvious indicators of their involvement.
The issue of arms and ammunitions not only encouraged the assassination, but also U Saw’s rise to power.
In fact, Burma under Aung San and AFPFL leadership, was becoming organi-sed and united. From that point of view, I believe that the British were involved in the assassination — moreover in the subsequent occurrence of civil war.
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