Karens at the Crossroads
covering burma and southeast asia
Monday, January 13, 2025

Karens at the Crossroads

By SAW KAPI Wednesday, February 22, 2012

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So far, it appears that the KNU leadership has been un-strategic in every step it has taken.

The Karen movement is at a crossroads. Generations to come will judge us on the decisions we make today when choosing which direction to take. The current, fast-changing state of affairs in Burma is a test to the ability of the KNU and its leadership.

As far as this author is concerned, there is an urgent need for the Karens to produce a new generation of leadership that is capable of looking beyond the same voices that recycle the old mantras or prescribe the same solutions. We need a national leadership that can grasp the complex dynamics of ethnicity, and yet stay attuned to the regional political situation of this increasingly interconnected world. We need a leadership that is not only committed to the Karen’s collective vision of self-determination, but that is also skillful and inventive in policy-making, intellectually and strategically flexible, and capable of adapting to and taking advantage of new developments in Burma, the region and the world.

Saw Kapi, a former political activist and an ethnic Karen from Burma, is a university administrator currently working as the Director of Admissions and Records at California State University, Bakersfield.

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saeddi Wrote:
The new government still does not believed that KNU was a organization of representative of all karen people after seeing the fact, they talk cease-fire aggrement with each group. The present suitation is far from our goal that to get the right of equal and self-determination of our own state.But why don't KNU converse with goverment and find the best solution as possible as they can for sake our people's benefit like NLD did. KNU should do conversation with the government to move forward of the Karen's suitation instead of watching them.
In my opinion, our people are very honest and easily to believe on other but don't know much about how to collaborate and compromise between our different organizations to get the same common sense before we talk to government. This time is also very important for our people so, our different political organizations should be unity than ever and let the new governmet persuade to listen the words that what our karen people want and need by conversation.

(BG) Big Gordon Wrote:
I like Saw Kapi idea of making the KNU representing the Karen people-- not a border group like other organiations. I like his suggestion that there should be war in diplomatic arena for KNU to play-- meeting with NLD, KNU/KNLA peace council
DKBA, the Karen political parties inside.

In 1949, preior to the zero hours of January 31, 1949 many Karen women were raped in San Chang in Rangoon. On December 25, 1948, the Burmese army killed Karen in their Chirstmas event in Tavoy.

The revolution of Karen was moved from Rangoon to the border areas in the last 60 years or so.

The current KNU leaders should not stick to this border area as the asparation of Karen people as whole. The war started inside Burma.
KNU should think bigger and with accountable.

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