Dying Behind Bars
covering burma and southeast asia
Thursday, February 13, 2025


Dying Behind Bars

By HPYO WAI THA / THE IRRAWADDY Thursday, February 9, 2012

Marlar Nwe sits beside a portrait of her brother Thet Nwe (Photo: Hpyo Wai Tha).
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By last December, the condition of his liver had deteriorated so much that he was sent to Insein General Hospital two times but brought back to his cell without any improvement.

On Jan. 22, nine days after his release, he was on his deathbed. He gestured to his sister, who he affectionately called “Ma Mee,” to give him a hug. He tried to say something to her, but his words were inaudible, and then he became silent for a while.

His legs became cold.

At 12:25 pm, Ko Thet Nwe, 54, died in his big sister's arms, and was free again. But this time—forever.

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Ohn Wrote:
There are thousands of the like of this hero. It does not make his and his family's suffering any less.

Sad that apart from this man, Bo Kyi, if anybody else is really giving attention to their sufferings, it is not obvious.

NO one should suffer like him. Buddhist country!!!

khin Wrote:
It is sad to read these stories.I wish all Burmese people have peace and be kind to each other. The majority of Burmese people have kind heart but I don't understand why some people are so cruel.My prayers go to all who suffer from torture.

Myanmar Patriots Wrote:
How very sad. Heart rending. The passing away of a Burman fighting for freedon diminishes us all.

Burmese criminals must be tried by independent Burmese courts.

It was ShuMaung,KhinNyunt,Buthcer of Rangoon SeinLwin were the evil trio. and what about the national debt that piled up during the BSPP regime?

Fight for 1.sovereignty 2 territorial integrity, and 3 unity. To deliver freedom and justice to all under independent judiciary.

Ashin Than-Shwe had to struggle within the system whilst trying to maintain the 3 items above.

Marty Myanmar Wrote:
I guess that we shall be patient with these things. But we will not forget.

The time will come when all responsible will be called to answer for the things done to people like Ko Thet Nwe who endure the suffering so all of us might have a better life.

They paid the ultimate price of democracy so all of us can have a better life.

Thank you Ko Thet Nwe, we will not forget you.

Dear Ma Mee, our words cannot assuage the grief that you feel, but please be sure that there will be eternal respect for your brother and those responsible will be called to justice somewhere in the future.

Myanmar's democracy was bought with the high price of lives of her's sons and daughters.
We will never forget and we will make sure that future generations also learn and remember.

Min Min Wrote:
Ko Thet Nwe released after suffering 10 yr’s torturing and died 9 days after. You can imagine the crimes these tyrants committed. So many PP like Ko Thet Nwe were dying behind bars.

Burmese tyrants, including K-Nyunt ruled country by bullying, jailing and corruption. Use systematic killings, raping and torturing as tools.

Today, Kyant Phunt tries to delay reforms for preventing War Crime probe. However, UN mandate is a “must” to conduct such probe for each and every tyrant/crony committed, unless the current govt carry out the probe itself under UN guidelines (similar to Cambodia).

Quintana told reporters: "I must stress that moving forward cannot ignore or whitewash what happened in the past". He clearly pointed out the reforms done with flying color by TSein govt did not mean serious rights violations had taken place by TShwe and group would be forgotten and ensured a long-term stability in the nation of 60 million people.

We pay highest salute to KTN and other Patriots.

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