Thai Hospitality
Regarding the article, “Thais Protest Idea of Rohingya Refugee Center” [February 4, 2009; URL:]:
I think that Thailand should first open a refugee camp for the Shan before considering one for the Rohingya, as millions of Shan are now in the country being subjected to all sorts of exploitation. Thailand can still forget about inking the 1952 Geneva Convention on Refugees and still claim to be the most hospitable country in Asia—at least to the tourists.
B T Win
Political Agenda against Rohingya
Regarding the article, “Thais Protest Idea of Rohingya Refugee Center” [February 4, 2009; URL:]:
They more look like Bengalis rather than a Muslim minority in the western part of Burma. When you look at the map you will see that Bangladesh is packed with 150 million people and has an area of 144,000 square km, against the 55 million people in Burma in 678,500 square km of land. Those who understood the word “migration” can think of it. It is just a political agenda.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Than Shwe May Be Dumb …
Regarding the article, “No Concrete Results for Gambari” [February 3, 2009; URL:]:
What are you talking about? Gambari came to Burma just to listen to what the NLD and Daw Suu have to say, don't you know that? He had heard it all and thus, his mission is “accomplished” like our good friend who just left the White House, after the capture of Saddam Hussein. Gambari may make another trip to Burma like the Terminator who said, "I’ll be back" for a couple of bowls of Burmese noodles—with a lot of chili, fried peas and curd, boiled eggs, etc.—in Gambari's case. He didn't show Daw Suu and the other NLD guys the package he brought with him. It is only for Than Shwe's eyes and ears. Maybe, he showed it to Thein Sein. Than Shwe has no time for a guy from Nigeria, only a UN Envoy deputized by a guy from South Korea holding the reins of the UN today. China and Russia, Than Shwe's infamous big brothers, wielding nuclear weapons and veto powers, help and shield the one and only military dictator in the world, keeping the only Nobel Peace Laureate in the world locked up in her own house for 13 years out of 19, means they have little or no esteem for the world body. Keeping U Win Tin and Khin Maung Swe out of the group meeting with Gambari smacks of ingenuity and more of a insult on the part of Than Shwe. Win Tin is very close to Daw Suu and the top dog in the military has purposely acted to separate Daw Suu from Win Tin, even after more than 19 years. Though he may be dumb, Than Shwe is certainly not stupid. He knows how to keep people apart and play the game of “divide and rule.” And he fears Win Tin like he does Daw Suu. He lets Win Tin play the game while he watches the moves. Put it another way—he wants to find out whether Win Tin has any new moves up his sleeve, even after nearly two decades in detention. In case the veteran journalist makes a false move, or one that crosses the path of the top dog in the Burmese military, then Win Tin has his cell waiting for him for at least a century this time. He did 19 years last time. Than Shwe is keeping all options open and if the NLD and others don't fall in line, then they can expect lengthy (decades and centuries) lives in prison—this time with hard labor, no doubt. As for the review of Than Shwe's constitution, just forget it, if you really know him. If you don't know, Than Shwe believes the power only comes from the barrel of the gun. Only if you play his game will he listen and take note. Shooting off your mouth or putting words on paper would hold no water.
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