Than Shwe Skirts the Issue
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Than Shwe Skirts the Issue

By WAI MOE Thursday, February 17, 2011

Snr-Gen Than Shwe greets members of parliament in Naypyidaw on Feb 12.(PHOTO: AP)

The sight of junta supremo Snr-Gen Than Shwe and his close aides on national TV dressed in women's longyis at a state dinner in Naypyidaw has become the talk of the town in Burma and the brunt of many an unkind joke.

Marking the 64th anniversary of Union Day on Feb. 12 in Naypyidaw, 78-year-old Than Shwe appeared at the event accompanied by other top military brass, including: junta No.2 Vice Snr-Gen Maung Aye; No.3, the new Lower House speaker ex-Gen Shwe Mann; Prime Minister and President-in-waiting ex Gen Thein Sein; No. 4 ex-Gen Tin Aung Myint Oo who is vice-president-in-waiting; and No. 5 ex Lt-Gen Tin Aye.

All appeared on state TV on Feb. 12 wearing gongbong (traditional Burman headscarves), and acheik (colorful sarongs worn by women at weddings and formal occasions).

“When I saw the ruling generals in acheik on the news and in the papers, I was somewhat intrigued as to why they were dressed as women,” said a 22-year-old female engineering student in Rangoon. “I have one—the same style and colors as the longyi worn by Than Shwe.”

In footage of the ceremony, Than Shwe greeted women members of parliament. All the officials in the scene wore the same ceremonial dress, although in a variety of colors. However, a general staff officer from the War Office, Brig-Gen Soe Shein, several male MPs and the retinue's bodyguards are shown in traditional male attire.

A 57-year-old acheik manufacturer in Mandalay told The Irrawaddy on Thursday that longyis for women and for men are quite different and can be easily identified.

“The acheik that the senior general and other top officials are wearing on Union Day is definitely women's acheik,” he said.

It was the first time this year that Than Shwe has appeared without his uniform at a state dinner.

The cross-dressing fashion seems to have initiated when cabinet members, including Thein Sein, wore pink, yellow and white longyis to meet Lao Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh in June.

But many political observers, astrologists and ordinary people in teashops around the country said they believe the generals' cross-dressing is an intentional act of superstition, known locally as yadaya.

“They [the generals] know and must know that these acheik were designed for women,” said a senior journalist in Rangoon. “But they wore them nevertheless. We all know this is yadaya to counter the influence of The Lady [Aung San Suu Kyi] and to reverse her karma.”

Many fortunetellers have predicted that a woman will rule Burma one day, and so the generals’ fortune-tellers have advised them to dress as women, he added.

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luusoelay Wrote:
How stupid and treasonous can you get! You insult your own culture.In Burmese the patterns are known as 'jait'or 'ahcait' and can appear both on 'htmein' or 'pasoe'. Both are commonly known as 'longi' or 'longyi'. the word longi means cover and tie up.' A man's longi is called pasoe and a woman's htmein.

in short, Than Shwe likes htemin...picture worths more than a word. be cool...


Myanmar Patriots Wrote:
Myint Myat Twe Wrote:

"Myanmar Patriots + Ko Ko Gyi = Than Shwe
Than Shwe +Generals = Crazy
Crazy + Fortuneteller = Evil
Evil + Lizards + Frogs = Parliament
Parliament + Gun = Destroy country "
Myanmar Patriots+Ko Ko Gyo + Generals+Fortune tellers+ Lizards+ Frogs+ Gun= Destroy Country.

So, Destroy Country has nothing to do with ThanShwe. Than Shwe completely drops out of the equation. Get it, Myint Myat Twe?


Thanks for entertaining us.

Ursus Wrote:

"myanmar patriot, you better stop talking.."

What is rule of freedom of speech? Does the rule mean that only anti-junta antic and personal attacks on ThanShwe are allowed?

Let the readers judge who talks sense!

Gerald Wrote:
Hi Than Shew,
Next time I want to see you in sexy bikini though it will be disgusting.

kerry Wrote:
Another thought...
'Like talking to dead people' said Singapore.

Does this make the very 'bent' relationship between China's rigid and 'appalling old waxworks' and Than Shwe's bent cronies and strange bedfellows... necrophilia?

Whatever it is, it is all very... another century! Let the prisoners out, TS. No-one can take you seriously anymore.

'When all the people in East Berlin stopped being afraid of the Stasi, the Wall came crumbling down.' It seems many walls are coming down, and may dictators are sputtering threats, to everyone's derision.

It seems that 'every dog has its day', but in the end, the curs move off with their little tiny tails between their knees.

Yangontha Wrote:
Obviously, Than Shwe showed that he did not care what he wore, especially, in front of the members of parliament, because he believes himself that he is a GOD of Burma and he can do whatever he wants. Now, this picture looked like he wanted to have a media attention, especially outside of Burma.

Myint Myat Twe Wrote:
Myanmar Patriots + Ko Ko Gyi = Than Shwe
Than Shwe +Generals = Crazy
Crazy + Fortuneteller = Evil
Evil + Lizards + Frogs = Parliament
Parliament + Gun = Destroy country

Ursus Wrote:
myanmar patriot, you better stop talking about freedom of expression. You are exactly the one who violates the rules of freedom of speech and expression in every comment you post here. Go back to school and learn something.

Myanmar Patriots Wrote:
Ko Ko Gyi Wrote:

"This is normal dress code at events such as weddings. Either you know nothing of Myanmar culture or you are stirring up nonsense to malign the Government."

Amazing how some people use freedom of expression. Instead of intelligent analyses, they resort to utter nonsense.

Salai Lian Wrote:
It does dot surprise me. These generals always went to beds with Chinese men for the past twenty years. No doubt they are gay.

swe Wrote:
to Myanmar Patriot ;-

READ THIS CAREFULLY .....(A 57-year-old acheik manufacturer in Mandalay told The Irrawaddy on Thursday that longyis for women and for men are quite different and can be easily identified.

“The acheik that the senior general and other top officials are wearing on Union Day is definitely women's acheik,” he said.

Kerry Wrote:
Hmmm, getting in touch with his 'inner Lady'? This show keeps on getting funnier and funnier! We are now seeing the crumbling of everyone's fear - in front of our eyes.

Amazing that such a 'powerful General' needs to bully, threaten and intimidate ... a tiny woman! Says everything really!

Perhaps the truly awful 'first wives' could wear military apparel, next, and show their true colours too!

It will take many lifetimes for their families to live out the tragic karma of these last years of rampant greed and tragic barbarity. We pray for the descendents of this surreal stageplay, in its unconscious death throes.

OK boys, time to buy the air tickets, and let the prisoners out. Hide maybe. Even the most gifted astrologers cannot prevent the inevitable demise of what has outlasted its own tragedy.

Regime? The whole world is laughing! Best not to run up more debits!

KKK Wrote:
These generals are too old to do the sex change. Look at their faces and complexion. They are uglier than Yoke-Ka-Soe. No cosmetic surgeons can fix their ugly faces. They should be recorded in Guinness book for the ugliest people in the world.

ludu Wrote:
They look happy and smiling when they see a monkey. They looked scared when they saw a devil in uniform.

George Than Setkyar Heine Wrote:
So Than Shwe is going at this length even - wearing women attire - to stave off Daw Suu ruling Burma today.

Well, the guy's getting loco with every advancing day obviously.

Quite possibly as well someone would DITCH the old donkey someday and soon also, like they ditched Saw Maung some years back citing something was wrong in his cranium.

Of course the monk murderer is very aware of the PEOPLE POWER sweeping the Middle East today and would be heading his way real soon as well no doubt.

They say politics is only a game of a flip of a coin or a jump kick of a rooster lest people forget.

Ben Ali and Mubarak got their just desserts and Than Shwe and his thugs are NO EXCEPTIONS and SOON in this case trust me.
However, Than Shwe is certain to lose his head and his family fares no better as well in case he fails to grab the opportunity - go into dialogue with the people's representatives - and make things right and bright for the people and their country before the PEOPLE POWER strikes I say.

Dr Lwin Wrote:
Actually they should have worn the woman attire since long time ago, as they are coward and womanish. They and their astrologers/cronies should know that these superstitions are no longer acceptable in modern society, especially for those in power.

Ko Ko Gyi Wrote:
This is normal dress code at events such as weddings. Either you know nothing of Myanmar culture or you are stirring up nonsense to malign the Government.

J Zaw Wrote:
wonder what they are wearing underneath!

SC Wrote:
" the generals’ fortune-tellers have advised them to dress as women,..."

He should be advised to wear a brassiere as well.

Oo Maung gyi Wrote:
Since Than Shwe and his juniors dressed woman Acheik Longyi, it's indicate that the day is nearer fro them Burma will sooner or later rule by woman. Those days of Yadaya has gone with the wind there is no such thing exist in the world, these are rubbish beliefs.

No matter how much they do Yadaya, the more popularity of the Aung San Suu Kyi will coming to shine. These generals are too lower class in thinking power, they have no far sighted mind.So their days are counting either by age or by revolution within them.

luusoelay Wrote:
I am madly, deeply and simply concern about Than Shew is being a gay.

tocharian Wrote:
Perhaps Kyaing Kyaing was wearing the uniform (or a pu hsoe) that evening?

Yangon Thu Wrote:
The next step is to change sex.

Then change names to Than Than Shwe, Thein Thein Sein, Shwe Mun Thu, etc. It will fit the "yadayar" perfectly.

Myint Myat Twe Wrote:
1.Than Shwe has dementia
2.All the generals are gay
3.Fortuneteller are crazy
4.All the generals wives are proud of their sarongs wearing by their husbands.
5.Very bad attitude changing traditional Burmese costume.

Gerald Wrote:
He wore not only a Longyi for lady, his posture also is like a model girl.
I am not sure if he is a pure man.
In Germany we say such a man as "Schwul".

Robert Mookerdum Wrote:
Well,it's the emperor's dress. Only the very faithful bootlicking supporters don't seem to see thru it. What a bunch of sick freaks!!!

Thazin Pyu Wrote:
To complete the yadaya, it is better to change his sex by a surgical operation.

Marty Myanmar Wrote:
Maybe they are cross-dressers and this is their coming out party.

Anon Wrote:
The old dude is obviously sicker and sicker. The top must be changed with a straight jacket too!

nanmabao Wrote:
Stupid leaders. Why do they still believe in superstitions in this modern day? I can't imagine leaders wearing women's dress just to protect their power, corruption and greed. They are funny!

PB Publico Wrote:
Good. They are dressed in htamis.
Next time they appear in public, they will have to be real women, perhaps after a surgery work performed by Thai specialists. For how else can they be real women to rule the country, if they believe what their soothsayers advise them?
That still would not be complete women. They will have to undergo a real change into the spirit of women, which is that they are mothers. They will have to learn motherhood and the noble virtue of metta, the loving kindness that implies karuna, the universal kindness extended to all the sons and daughters of others. Women abhor cruelty.
Remember that women are made in such a way as to be strong enough to bear the weight of mankind and soft enough to comfort it. Men, particularly the junta men, are not that good (exception: the Arias and other holly men). We need to be Maung Missakas to feel and do really like women. Otherwise, men are men, and the junta men are men the tyrants.

Saya Sandra Wrote:
Has anyone witnessed this sort of issue. Than Shwe will do whatever he has to just to retain power. Well there is no one in this world that can go against the Wishes of the Divine. Even Lord Buddha did not practice this kind of Yadaya. Than Shwe is nothing but a greedy hound. I pity the People of Burma for having a brainless idiot without any education ruling Burma. Well what do you expect. If Astrology was correct, everyone in this planet would be safe & sound, filled with richness. It depends on what you do. There is a reaction for every action you do. Based on this a man succeeds. The Buddhist doctrine tells us that. He is no more but a maniac.

Tun Yin Maung Wrote:
Who knows he wasn't wearing a bra inside as well!

Nyunt Han Wrote:
This Than Shwe's cross-dressing started when he met Hu Jintao. He found Hu so attractive he wanted to become his "wife" not content with selling off the country's assets to him. Sadly Hu will not be interested in this decrepit tin-pot dictator.

Shadow Wrote:
He should become a transgender too. Go to Thailand or China to get the operation free of charge! LOL...

Myanmar Patriots Wrote:
Wai Moe,
How stupid and treasonous can you get! You insult your own culture.In Burmese the patterns are known as 'jait'or 'ahcait' and can appear both on 'htmein' or 'pasoe'. Both are commonly known as 'longi' or 'longyi'. the word longi means cover and tie up.' A man's longi is called pasoe and a woman's htmein.

Your attack on the junta leaders is below the belt and stupid!Can you not think of attacking intelligently, on far more important issues such as barriers to freedom and democracy, economic development, education, health, albour issues, etc. etc?

"Many fortunetellers have predicted that a woman will rule Burma one day, and so the generals’ fortune-tellers have advised them to dress as women, he added." SO, whilst drooling for Western type liberal democracy are you still in dark age of voodooism and fortune telling? DO YOU SEE YOUR OWN CONTRADICTIONS? Are you simply blinded by hatred of the junta?

Kyaw Wrote:
Oh My God

timothy Wrote:
What a mentality you, Than Shwe, got to dress like a women. You might have changed your sex when you secretly went to Thailand where transvestite and transsexuals are so popular. If your Yadarar guide you to merry a man and serve him as his wife, I am sure your thick mind and soul will follow you to the life.Your mind is exactly the same as your look now. Look yourself in the mirror.

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