Letters to the Editor — November, 2010
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Letters to the Editor — November, 2010

By THE IRRAWADDY Monday, November 1, 2010

(Page 16 of 17)

Moe Kyu

No Faith in UN

Regarding the article, "Gambari Meets NLD Executive Members, Including Suu Kyi" [February 2, 2009; URL: http://www2.irrawaddy.com/article.php?art_id=15047]:

This meeting’s only purpose is to take photographs with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and to publish them. We hope that there will be no progress in the future. We believe that Mr Gambari will not send a report back to UN describing the real situation in Myanmar [Burma]. We are not depending on the UN to get freedom for our people from the military junta. Finally, we no longer trust either Mr Ban Ki-moon or Mr Gambari, the inefficient leaders of the UN.


Hugs and Kisses for Suu Kyi

Regarding the article, "Gambari Meets NLD Executive Members, Including Suu Kyi" [February 2, 2009; URL: http://www2.irrawaddy.com/article.php?art_id=15047]:

Finally, Mr Gambari meets with Mrs Suu Kyi, If I were there I would shake hands with her and hug and kiss her. I am so glad she is doing much better. Burmese people like her and her kids and her husband are so nice.

Andy Bowe

Malaysian Muslims Lead the Way

Regarding the article, "Malaysian Muslims to Boycott Coca-Cola" [January 7, 2009; URL: http://www2.irrawaddy.com/article.php?art_id=1488]:

The Malaysian Muslims example should be followed by Muslims throughout the Muslim countries and the world.

Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Aye Tha Aung in Denial

Regarding the article, "Rohingya Face More Hardships at Home, Abroad" [February 2, 2009; URL: http://www2.irrawaddy.com/article.php?art_id=15046]:

No surprise. U Aye Tha Aung is a Rakhine. He is still sitting with the spirit of the 1942 massacre where hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas were murdered by his group. Although he is a senior member in the CRPP, his mentality is still same as Aye Chan and Aye Kyaw. It is very sad that after many years working in the CRPP, he is still the same as before. What is the difference between him and the SPDC? Aye Tha Aung, you want human rights for yourself, but at the same time your heart is full of hatred for other people. The whole world is showing their sympathy toward the unfortunate Rohingya boat people, but you and your friends and the SPDC are still in a state of denial. Remember, sooner or later, only truth will prevail.

Sayed Hussein

Rakhine Politicians and the Rohingya

Regarding the article, "Rohingya Face More Hardships at Home, Abroad" [February 2, 2009; URL: http://www2.irrawaddy.com/article.php?art_id=15046]:

I am not surprised about the Rakhine politician U Aye Tha Aung's statement that the Rohingya are not among the ethnic groups in Burma. He is one of those Rakhine politicians who are instrumental to the Rohingya extermination policy of the SPDC and the suffering of the Rohingya. I would ask him if he knows his colleague, U Kyaw Min, who is a Rohingya member of the CRPP. Not only Rohingya, there are also hundreds of Rakhine from Arakan taking refuge in Bangladesh. His remark "How could they claim that they came from Burma, when in fact they come from Bangladesh?" is ridiculous. It seems that they are more interested in "Rohingya extermination" than the practice of democratic values and human rights for everyone in Burma.

Nurul Islam

Rohingyas Breeding to Colonize Burma

Regarding the article, "Rohingya Face More Hardships at Home, Abroad" [February 2, 2009; URL: http://www2.irrawaddy.com/article.php?art_id=15046]:

Two million Burmese migrants could not get citizenship in Thailand. So, why should the Chittagonian migrants receive citizenship in Burma? These Chittagonians increased their population exponentially with the practice of four wives per man over the last couple of decades. Within 50 years, the whole of Burma will be full of those Rohingya if their population, intrusion and colonization of Burma is not stopped. Most of them are poor and so are most Burmese. They might die in the sea along with the outcry of international communities. Lots of Burmese die in the sea in the fishing boats of Thais as well, but without any international outcry. Bad luck will fall upon Burma when these Chittagonians occupy the whole of Burma, and they will proceed to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and even Vietnam. This was the Muslims’ demographic colonization.

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