Burma-North Korea Ties: Escalating Over Two Decades
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Burma-North Korea Ties: Escalating Over Two Decades

By WAI MOE Wednesday, July 7, 2010

(Page 3 of 3)

“Since Myanmar is not known to have imported radars and missile components from any country other than North Korea, the installations would appear to be one of the first visible outcomes of a decade of military cooperation,” Lintner said.

Lintner also reported that Western intelligence sources know that 30 to 40 North Korean missile technicians are currently working at a facility near Minhla on the Irrawaddy River in Magwe Division, and that some of the technicians may have arrived overland by bus from China to give the appearance of being Chinese tourists. 

North Korea has also issued adamant denials with respect to allegations regarding its relationship with Burma. According to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), on June 21 Pyongyang said, “The US is now making much fuss, floating the sheer fiction that the DPRK is helping Myanmar [Burma] in its nuclear development.”

The KCNA often highlights the close relationship between North Korea and Burma.

On June 20, the Pyongyang news agency reported that ex-Col Than Tun, deputy chairman of the Union of Myanmar Economic Holding Ltd., sent a statement cheering Kim Jong Il’s 46th anniversary at the Central Committee of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea.

On April 18, Korean state-run- media reported that Than Tun also issued a statement cheering the 17th anniversary of Kim Jong Il’s chairing of North Korea’s National Defense Commission.

“Kim Jong Il’s field inspection of KPA [Korean People’s Army] units served as a main source that helped bolster [North Korea's] self-reliant defense capability in every way,” the statement noted.

Military sources said the Union of Myanmar Economic Holding Ltd, managed by the junta, is responsible for purchasing imported weapons for Burma's armed forces, including transferring money to overseas banks such as Korea Kwangson Banking Corporation.

Meanwhile, in addition to its escalating relationship with North Korea, the Burmese military regime has recently boosted ties with Iran, which according to the UN report is also allegedly receiving nuclear and missile technologies from North Korea.

In recent years, Burmese and Iranian officials visited their counterparts homeland for the purported purpose of improving economic ties. Observers, however, said Than Shwe has made a tactical decision to develop relationships with other “pariah states,” particularly enemies of the US, to relieve Western pressure on his regime.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Ali Fathollahi met Burmese Foreign Minister Nyan Win and Minister of Energy Lun Thi during his trip to Burma on June 15-17.

“The two sides reiterated their desire to further expand the ties of friendship and economic cooperation and to increase cooperation in the regional international forums such as [the] United Nations and Non-Aligned Movement,” The New Light of Myanmar reported on June 18.

Fathollahi’s visit came three months after Maung Myint’s visit to Iran on March 8-11, when he met Iranian Foreign Minister Manochehr Mottaki and Deputy Minister of Petroleum H. Noghrehkar Shirazi.

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plan B Wrote:
Ko Wai Moe
The only opposing view can be found in other posts, albeit by least of all the ShweBoMin II protege.
Think that Buddhism might be a deterrent to a spiritual Myanmar becoming N. Korealike.
No more! Considering the treatment and subsequent control of the Sanga.
Even today this article here might seem to chime in with your view:
However, you absolutely miss the focus.
As the author views Human Rights as the foundation of all US policy should be.
A near future of Myanmar with so-called Human Rights based approach: constant vilifying and sanctions. A Myanmar as pariah, a state as N. Korea, awaits.
It will only take N. Korea to sign a nuclear cooperation understanding with the SPDC.
Then the embassies rather the consulates in Yangon will be asked to vacate.
This writing is now on the wall.

plan B Wrote:
Ko Wai Moe,
You might think truth will prevail. The lack of comment to this piece of news just conclusively proves some important points;
1) Dignifying this exposé will mean revising every past policy of the west.
2) The West's attitude of "damn the plight of Myanmar citizenry as long as I do what I think is right that is fine with me".
3) Rather deal with a N. Korea like Myanmar than otherwise. After all, their present policies towards Myanmar are already geared for another N. Korean-like country.
Unfortunately, a N. Korea like Myanmar is not only one more problem but will make the real N. Korea problem even more dangerous.
Given the fact that absolutely antiwest icy N.Korea now do not have to worry about feeding their citizenry.
Myanmar now can supply unlimited amounts of fuel, food and all other needed material through simple bartering.
Therefore giving Kim and his generals to freely concentrate on upsetting the west in ways that were not possible because of limited resources.

plan B Wrote:
Anyone with common sense will tell you that "You will be defined by whom you associate with"
The SPDC not only proves that adage but supplanted by " fast becoming" whom they are associated with!
The irony is the SPDC is fast becoming what the west vilified them for before.
Now that this is being proven true is this case considered:
The cart leading the horse?
Or rather plain old "You are so stupid you should have seen it coming"?
Be that as it may does nothing for the Myanmar Citizenry Plight.
A truthful article that will be ignored by the anti SPDC entity as well as the western media.
Ko Wai Moe are you prepared to suffer the consequences of telling the truth?
No good deed went unpunished?

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