Selection Time Precedes Election Time in Burma
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Selection Time Precedes Election Time in Burma

By AUNG ZAW Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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Myint Swe became commanding officer of Light Infantry Division 11, overseeing security in Rangoon, and later served as commander of Southwest Military Region in Bassein, Irrawaddy Division, before moving in the late 1990s to the defense ministry, where he worked directly under Than Shwe and Maung Aye.

This seems to be Than Shwe’s “rest in peace” selection plan for 2010. If he executes it smoothly, he will avoid the fate of such top men as Gen Khin Nyunt and the late dictator Gen Ne Win, both of whom ended up under house arrest.

Analysts say Than Shwe wants to make sure the 2010 election provides him and his family with a safe exit strategy. That entails leaving his trusted aides at the helm—and that means the country will continue to be to run by the military.

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George Than Setkyar Hiene Wrote:
Well. the line up is there.
Tin Aung Myint Oo has quit the outlaw gang, as I have learned earlier, though most qualified to succeed Than Shwe.
Now the top soldier has opted for a place in history as the bravest, in addition to a soldier and a gentleman, by leaving the thieving gang led by Than Shwe.
Certainly this sends chills down Than Shwe's spine, given Tin Aung Myint Oo's clout among Than Shwe's hordes.
Nobody can say for sure that Shwe Mann, Myint Swe, Htay Oo, Tin Ngwe amongst others would guarantee the old monk murderer's ass after 2010 elections.
Pity Than Shwe has no son like Lee Kwan Yew to take over the reins and cover his ass.
The old monk murderer will reap what he sows - dog eat dog policy - like his long gone dad Ne Win, whom he refused to give even a resting place even.
Than Shwe and his family will count themselves lucky if they are given even a place to rest in peace once the reins of power changes hands in the post-2010 election era.

timothy Wrote:
Where is the trust in this part of the cruel world Than Shwe has created and preceded by Ne Win?

Ne Win proved that there is no such thing as a trusted follower in this cruel and abnormal society of criminals. Ne Win thought he could trust Khin Nyunt for his safe retirement. He was wrong. How stupid he was to put his faith in Khin Nyunt.

Now Than Shwe the idiot would like to follow the same mistake. Where are his trusted followers? Who advises him to retire, renounce all his belongings, put on Buddhist monk robes and go away into the jungle to practice Vipassana meditation to wash his sins?

There is no one to give him real friendship advice. He can not trust anyone. He will retire to deepest layer of hell.

pLan B Wrote:
As SPDC march on towards "self legitimacy" to the beat of its own drum through the self serving constitution and the planned sham election:

1)The West and the opposition need to reflect seriously how and why events has progress to this stage where their opinions are nonplus.

2) Stop or reverse the major element that has driven this repressive SPDC to this present defiant form.

3) Anticipate with prudence for the next stage where SPDC can be influenced.

These can all be accomplish with input from available expats who see Myanmar as it is supposed to be as opposed to how the west would like it to be.

The count down is on. Prudence or realistic approaches have yet to be seen by the West's so called "engagement".

Already naysayers are writing off:
Albeit with inaccurate facts.
It's the people, not SPDC they must keep in mind.

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