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follow the Kang Nam 1, block the North
Korean flight from Burma to Iran, and why won't it publish the JADE Act report? The documentary was designed to appear objective, but it was really Roland Watson Suu Kyi: A Hero of Our Time What's noteworthy about the 6 issues that Aung San Suu Kyi should deal with is that they're all political in nature. Beyond embracing democratic reforms, Burma needs to jump start its economy—which needless to say, is a total disaster. The military junta's obsession with staying in power at all costs has all but destroyed the economy—and just about everything else as well (except the hope that Aung San Suu Kyi has provided). The military's obsession with staying in power has blinded them to the rapid economic growth among their South Asian neighbors—along with that of China. When democratic reforms take hold in Burma, the next step is to improve its economy. The Burmese people deserve nothing less. Despite the injustice that this brave and courageous woman has suffered for the past 20 years, her tireless pursuit of democracy for Burma is nothing short of amazing. In an age where merely being famous makes you a hero, Aung San Suu Kyi is one of the few genuine heroes of our time—and perhaps of all time.
Thank you for your response to our editorial, “Burma Betrayed?”. The Irrawaddy has no wish to continue a public debate on the matter of funding from the Danish Embassy. The debate was made public however prior to The Irrawaddy publication - via a leaked copy of the email from the Danish Embassy, appearing on a blog-site of the Burmese regime (see link: http://padaukmyay.blogspot.com/2010/10/blog-post_1952.html). The military's mouthpiece the New Light of Myanmar, subsequently exploited the misinformation and allegations from the Danish Embassy in order to discredit The Irrawaddy publication. In this context The Irrawaddy was forced to respond publicly to the allegations in the Embassy email (see link: http://www2.irrawaddy.com/article.php?art_id=19696). Our public response led to feedback from other Danish funded Burmese organisations whose concerns were outlined in the editorial Burma Betrayed? (see link: http://www2.irrawaddy.com/opinion_story.php?art_id=19764). It also led to a report on the incident in the Danish press (see link: http://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/artikel/384710:Udland--Danmark-beskyldes-for-at-svigte-Myanmars-demokrater ) The Irrawaddy hereby stands by our response to this unfortunate issue. To end the matter however we would note that the Ambassador appears to have missed the main point of our concern and has failed to address the issues raised in our letter and editorial. The Irrawaddy was not ‘dissatisfied’ as stated in the Ambassadors letter, because of the decision not to include us in the Danish 2011 project portfolio. Rather we were astonished to learn of the underhanded process of distributing an inaccurate and accusatory email to a number of our donors - prior to our annual donor meeting - without our knowledge or capacity to respond. Should this email have been forwarded via private communication to The Irrawaddy with an option for reply or resolution, all parties would have benefited. We hope to see more professional communication from the Embassy – both in private and public – in the future. Thank you. With reference to your editorial “Burma Betrayed?” published online Oct. 19th, the Danish Embassy in Bangkok would like to offer some clarifications regarding a number of apparent misunderstandings concerning the Danish support to the Burmese people in general and to The Irrawaddy in specific: First and foremost, there should be no doubt that Denmark has politically as well financially supported the people(s) of Burma in the face of both military repression and natural disaster for more than two decades—and will continue to do so.
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