Two Separate Paths
By KYAW ZWA MOE Thursday, November 25, 2010

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However, the generals will not tolerate her politically sensitive moves, and sooner or later, if she keeps them up, she will be targeted for harassment or arrest.

Since Suu Kyi's release, the hope for change has been high among the public. However, the generals see her as a “destructive element,” the language they use to describe some opposition groups in their newspapers.

Moreover, look at two paths that Suu Kyi and the generals are now walking down. On one hand, the generals are convening a new parliament with elected candidates and forming a new government. On the other, Suu Kyi says the election complaints should be investigated, and that she will work for national reconciliation through dialogue and nonviolent ways.

At this rate, the paths of Suu Kyi and the regime will never cross. Instead, a clash between Suu Kyi and the generals may be unavoidable.

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PB Publico Wrote:
U Moe Aung,
Quite right about the political will. And about the door being locked in and locked out.
But still, we live, work and hope.
Can you see something that is prompting a change in the junta? It is the time factor, not necessarily timing with any occasion per chance.
I wrote somewhere else about the dwindling strength of the military in terms of man power, while new generations are coming out in support of the cause of freedom and democracy. The military is too old and too few at the bottom. Perhaps, too old at the very top.
It may not be in your time or mine as far as the estimate goes. But it could be any time soon too. All it takes is to keep on working hard for our objective.
Don't be too pessimistic if you want to win a war. For we will never fight a losing war.

Moe Aung Wrote:
PB Publico,

There is such a thing called political will, and it is conspicuous by its absence in the regime for anything but staying in power.

Chance would be a fine thing if you could stick a foot in once the door has opened a tiny crack. It remains heavily barred and bolted as it were.


FYO in case you didn't know already, it's not because you alone are too right and speak the truth, it's a matter of getting a word in edgeways and not falling on deaf ears every time.

PB Publico Wrote:
I quote:
"At this rate, the paths of Suu Kyi and the regime will never cross. Instead, a clash between Suu Kyi and the generals may be unavoidable."
This kind of wisdom is exactly what we should, and can, avoid.
By track record, we all know the regime is intransigent and inviolate, impervious to public opinion.
By track record too, it hasn't won a conclusive war, the winning of peace and political stability throughout the country.
It should, and could, have learned that this type of war cannot be won by bullets and coersion.
It should, and could, initiate efforts to face the problems squarely by means of reconciliation that is also sought by all other parties, in the name of goodwill for all. I mean, the real reconciliation by way of a dialogue, not consolidation of any specific power.
This is the only way to finish these infamous internal wars, the only way for U Than Shwe to win a real victory over the war he has been fighting all his life, and win the hearts of his people.

Myanmar Patriots Wrote:
Venus, well said!

Mya Kyar Phyu Wrote:
Her super upbeat yet peaceful strategy is the best we could ever learn from a great humanitarian (if not a nation leader) who has been cut off from the world for a long period of time with nil communication.

If we look back at the history of power transition in Indonesia from ex-general Suharto to the present days, the country(with greater diversities then we are) has been gradually democratized in years with least damage as a result of unity between the military and civilian force.

Like Timothy wrote:What does the public want? For slavery of military masters? Liberty and independence?We just have to remember we are looking for the win-win solutions here.Liberty and independence sound as good to me as unity and achievement.In the end,we do not need to punish anybody in particular.We saw what we reeves or Karma is what it all takes.All we need is to put our heads together (with her) for a better outcome from a rare chance of unity we are having under her name.

Venus Wrote:
Cautious!! If you are not on the right track;i.e. if you intend to hit your head to the wall, once again you will waste all your life, get back to the house-arrest, that you cannot even walk one step forward. Be strategic! Not every right words will work well in mending our country. Remember the Burmese proverb, if you are too right, you must stay outside the village. (Hman Loon yin ywa pyin yauk)
Take the lesson from Thailand. The country has never fallen into anyone's colony and has been very skillful in slicing brains of foreign experts for the benefit of the country, dispite the split of red and yellow.

George Than Setkyar Heine Wrote:
“Dialogue must be a win-win situation for both parties,” Suu Kyi said. “I have said to them [the generals] before, but they don't seem to understand it. I am not sure if they don't understand it or if they don't believe it. Perhaps it is because in the military, there no such thing as a negotiated settlement. This is something I really need to give a lot of thought to.”
Not that they don't know, they just don't want to talk about anything in a positive and mutual sense.
Like their motto "get water, don't care about the leak in the container" they will get things done their way and at their leisure.
Come another 200 years Daw Suu would not have the answer in this matter.
Hence in place of giving thought over it Daw Suu should think about ejecting Than Shwe and his thugs out of the picture and make things happen in that direction and perspective as having no choice as well.
We have a saying "Don't play harp to buffaloes".
And don't PUSH your ENVELOPE too far as well lest Daw Suu forgets.

The regime’s main objective to release Daw Suu is that the election result must be recognized by the international community. We must aware that our leader is free at junta’s mercy as of right now, and it, the military, is still in control heading toward its way of change called “dictatorship”. Ironically, the junta is collecting and calculating its rewards and adversaries from the international response with regard to her release. In retrospect, her movements at present could lead Daw Suu to be put back in the cage for very long time by the junta citing to protect the peace and stability of the union. International response for that would be very limited. While the Wests are walking a fine line toward the democratization of Burma, the neighbors like China, India and ASEAN in general will chip in on the junta’s side for that. UN’s way of working global issue especially in our case would never be conclusive.

timothy Wrote:
Yes, The Junta and Aunty Suu are heading into collision course. That is dead sure.
What does the public want? For slavery of military masters? Liberty and independence?
The choice is for the people. Than Shwe can not touch Aunty Suu if the public rise up to the oppression and be united against the common enemy. Seas of Human, waves of human, million of human in the streets all over Burma is answer to the brutal crack down methods of the fascists army. No gun will dare to aim at the mighty army of General Public. The people power is the instrument used by revolutionaries to bring down the dictators, time and time again in history. Aunty Suu said we must make it happen if we want change. Do we really want it?

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