Suu Kyi Free; The Struggle Resumes
By KYAW ZWA MOE Sunday, November 14, 2010

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“It would be great if I can talk about whatever I want to.”

But any talk or dialogue between her and the generals is simply wishful dreaming. To reach that position, she would have to marshal a powerful coalition of pro-democracy forces, and the people would have to be actively behind her.

And that state of affairs is exactly what would cause the generals to strike back against her, or put her under arrest once again. 

But for now, many Burmese have regained their true leader. The country's politics will pick up under her leadership. It's a new beginning in a long, unfinished struggle.

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Myanmar Patriots Wrote:
Tom Tun Wrote:
"Adam Selene,
1) If there is a fair and just labour law, why should a country need labour unions?.."

TOM TUN, Labour unions or trade unions are integral part of management. A union represents the members,the workers. It is not feasible for the bosses to deal with individual workers effectively, openly and fairly. The union promotes the wellbing of workers. For your education we advise you to start reading about Robert Owen:pioneer of personnel management- and companies like Rowntree.

Tom Tun Wrote:
Adam Selene,
I did not know that you are a communist or socialist until this comment that you wrote. I even have some doubt that maybe you are an advisor to the Burmese regime. Name a country that doesn't have labour law? If there is a fair and just labour law, why should a country need labour unions?
I know some dirty secrets about Union giving campaign contributions to possible political candidates to support their agendas. If there is central government and a just law, why is there an extra organization? Justice and fairness is the key, not the organization. Organization is to hold collective power. Collective power many times steps over individual freedom and rights.
Burma will choose the path that suits them, may be your way or may be mine. Ask yourself, why is your country's economy tailing China in the 21st century? Do you still have liberal idealogy? I see what is right is right and wrong is wrong. Nothing in between.

Adam Selene Wrote:
All commenters write about "we should this or that.."

Actually the regime is controlling the game. And their control is more complete than it was ever before. They are playing the NLD and ASSK - both without a feasible strategy - like an instrument.

About the constitution: there are some nasty clauses in there, for sure. But there is stuff in there which is an improvement too. It guarantees freedom of labour organization for example. Actually the attorney general is writing new labour laws now, because the constitution demands that.

If there is freedom of labour organization that is a big step forward. If you look at other unfree countries in the past, upcoming labour movements played a big role in achieving meaningful change.

If Than Shwe so obviously is in charge of the situation, what use is it to antagonize him even further? What didn't work in the past will certainly not work now.

Tom Tun Wrote:
It is great news that Daw Suu is free at last. However, is she really free? Is Burma heading to the right direction? I think not. Remember,the regime is very clever. Why did the regime release Daw Suu right after election? Releasing international pressure?

On the other hand, what should take place in Burma? (1) Does 2008 constitution serve the interest of Burmese people? (2)Should not we have written the "Rights and Freedom" of Citizens. Only when we have written "Rights and Freedom" can we all be equal under 1 covenant. (3) We should convene "National Convention" or second Penlong meeting that includes all groups in Burma. (4) Based on citizen's "Rights and Freedom" and National Convention results, we should write a new Constitution. Only then will Burma have hope for a positive future. (5) War crimes committed since 1962 must be investigated and the guilty charged according to the international law. If these can happen, Burma will be free.

ludu Wrote:
Her reappearance in the public touches our soul. The Lady, you are not forgotten by your people. Never, never,........

George Than Setkyar Heine Wrote:
“Do not lose your heart,” the 65-year-old pro-democracy leader told the crowd at noon on Sunday. “We all have to keep trying to win what we want.”
That's the BATTLE CRY!
The generals believe they have a “mandate” after their proxy, the Union Solidarity and Development Party, won in a landslide.
Like Kim said, "That's all rubbish." I echo.
“I will not only work with my party,” she said. “I want to work with all the people and all pro-democracy forces. We will also work with all people across the world who support and sympathize with us.”
The military regime would never let that happen as that would be its WATERLOO.
Hence, Than Shwe will OPT for MURDER instead.
He had tried at Depayin and he would again when she travels the country.
“I am willing to talk to Snr-Gen Than Shwe.”
Well, that depends on the monk murderer, of course.
To be honest, he has no answers for Daw Suu.
Hence, he has NO WORDS for the people, much less WORK for them.

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