Burma’s Missile Dream
By AUNG ZAW Saturday, August 1, 2009

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Than Shwe and hard-line leaders must feel that having missiles and air defense systems will make foreign powers more wary, giving them cause to hesitate before they send warships close to Burma’s shores again.

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Moe Aung Wrote:
One perhaps unintended consequence of the junta's arms race, in naval, air defense and nuclear capability, may be the neglect of the troops on the ground, some of the army units already having to forage for themselves. Add to that the commonplace exploitation and mistreatment by the officer class of the rank and file personnel, including their families, it can become an explosive combination.

Political agitation among the army rank and file must continue unabated in order to win them over, thus improving the odds in favor of the people for a good fighting chance, once the sparks begin to fly round the next bend. We shall overcome and we must overcome.

Nathaniel John Wrote:
Senior General Than Shwe is buying the defense missiles with the money that is gained from selling natural gas and other mineral resources. It is not for peaceful usage or for the citizens of Burma to gain electricity. He believes that the US would come and bomb Naypyidaw. The US has no intentions of taking over Burma. What has Burma got, practically nothing for the US to invade Burma. All the natural resources have been exploited by the junta and its band of thieves, most especially Tay Za, Chit Khaing, Asia World Maung Maung, etc. These guys are hand in gloves with the junta because it suits their pockets. This shows that the junta is making all-out efforts to stay in power. The junta does not care for the people nor for the country, even though they say they do. In practice, it is the junta and their close cronies that are profiting from the sales of Burma's natural resources. Burma at the very moment has slumped in its economy, social, health, education level.

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