Burma-North Korea Ties Worry the World
By ANDREW SELTH Wednesday, May 19, 2010

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After the mistakes of the Iraq war, no government wants to rush to judgment based on incomplete or unverified intelligence. Having been caught napping a few years ago, however, when it was discovered that Syria was building a reactor with North Korean help, the international community is now looking carefully for hard evidence of a secret Burmese nuclear program.


Andrew Selth is a research fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute in Queensland. This article appears in Jakarta Globe on Tuesday.

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KKK Wrote:
To Myanmar Patriot 4 UMPF:
Who is your foolish King? Than Shwe's son?

Tide Wrote:
The world, in particular developing countries, have always been worried about big guys (the Western bloc).

Democracy is meant to be for free and fair deals, and the big guys are using this term just to simply "bully" non-big guys in many forms.

So ANDREW SELTH - tell the big guys not to worry and bully less.

timothy Wrote:
The US administration has no interest in Burma. Burma is owned by Red China and America owns Baghdad, Afghanistan and Tehran. China must stay away from America`s interest so that he will respect China`s interest. There is an unspoken understanding among the superpower giants. It is real bad news for oppressed in Burma. America is not a champion of democracy and they do pretend to be friend of oppressed by giving nice lip service to which Than Shwe laugh all the way to his banks in Singapore where billions of stolen dollars are kept. Besides, UN chief had to beg superpower to be re-elected as UN Sec. Gen and he is just a puppet of all superpowers. Than Shwe knew very much about it.

tocharian Wrote:
On his infamous vist to N. Korea last year, Thura Shwe Mann had to go through China (also on his way back!), so the junta has the full backing of Peking to deal with Kim Jung-Il. So what's the US gonna do? Obama doesn't dare to complain to China directly. The paukphaws are clever aren't they?

timothy Wrote:
Burma's military is now preparing for the next generation leaders of generals to take over power from Than Shwe who is well over retired age. He will die soon from natural illness, if he is lucky.
The most likely scenario is he will be kept under arrest by the new generals when he gets old.
History will repeat itself. Ex-General Ne Win died under captivity by Gen Than Shwe. To avoid a repeat of history and to protect his family, Than Shwe must give the new generals the nuclear shield and himself to become the status of Moa-Tze-Tung and Ho-Chi-Min.
The great leader of bigger than life God status is what Than Shwe needs so that he can die in peace with dignity. When he dies, new generals will worship him for centuries. Burma is definitely getting the nuclear capabilility to alarm the UN, USA and western democracies. Currently these countries are busy with economic downturn. One day, military dictatorship will strike the USA in its heart. Watch my warning here. I am no prophet but I am seeing the very sad story.

Myanmar Patriot 4 UMPF Wrote:
We would like to share a saying with you; we heard it from our king HM King Shwebomin II. Our King said:" I used to commute to Nicosia, Cyprus, from London every month whilst I was chief of the projects - building an hotel and holiday villas in northern Cyprus. (That part of Cyprus was split from the rest of the island as 'Turkish Cyprus' after the 1974 Turkish invasion.) There is a Greek saying that if you treat a stranger as a friend, he will become your firend."
So does it not imply that if you treat a stranger as enemy, he will become one?

"Of all Southeast Asian countries, Burma has the strongest strategic rationale for a nuclear weapons program."
WHO SAID THAT AND WHY? The allegations are utterly evil. Burma needs to develop her economy, increase expenditure on health and education, and now 'they' are trying to push Burma into the nuclear so-called axis of evil.

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