Rangoon Commander Dismissed
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Sunday, February 09, 2025

Rangoon Commander Dismissed

By WAI MOE Thursday, July 7, 2011

Brig-Gen Tun Than, right, attends a ceremony held by the Myanmar Gold Traders Association. (Photo: The Irrawaddy)

The former commander of the Rangoon Regional Military Command, Brig-Gen Tun Than, has reportedly been sacked for corruption, just one week after being reassigned as commander of the Southern Regional Military Command, military sources said.

Tun Than, who was expected to be promoted to the rank of major general next month, was forced to retire on Tuesday, the sources said. Maj-Gen Hla Min, the chief of the Bureau of Special Operations-3, has reportedly been acting as the commander of the Southern Regional Command since Tun Than's dismissal.

Tun Than was commander of Light Infantry Division 77 based in Pegu before he was promoted to commander of the Rangoon Regional Military Command last August as part of a major military reshuffle.

There has been no official confirmation of Tun Than's dismissal.

Recently, a general staff officer serving under Tun Than was reportedly killed in car accident in Rangoon. Two others were injured.

Tun Than was one of at least half a dozen regional military commanders who were reshuffled last week.

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George Than Setkyar Heine Wrote:

Then Than Shwe, Thein Sein, Shwe Mann, Tin Aung Myint Oo and the rest calling Naypyidaw their home should be in the list/line up as well.

Tun Than is just a FALL GUY only for that matter.

Or Than Shwe has another protege to take his place no doubt.

All of the lot - in uniform or civilian attire - in Burma under Than Shwe/Thein Sein watch regardless of rank and role are STEALING anything from peanuts to properties and lands and gems in between as well.

Maybe, Tun Than is not a PROFESSIONAL in this case nor has NO BACK UP as well for that matter.

Tettoe Aung Wrote:
If someone is dismissed for 'corruption' then rest assure it's the opposite. It's in the 'SLORCSpeak' or 'SPDCSpeak' for the person dismissed may have defied to 'tow the line'. If it's for corruption, then we won't even have the former Ne Win's military government, Socialist Government, Than Shwe regime's nor Shwe GaungPyaung Thein Sein's government. Burma would have been heaven on earth.

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