Burma’s Puppet Show
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Burma’s Puppet Show

By AUNG ZAW Friday, February 4, 2011

A still image taken from video shows the inaugural session of the Burmese parliament in Naypyidaw on February 1, 2011. (Photo: Reuters)
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This is his way of preserving his absolute power.

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Ursus Wrote:
It would have been wise, not to censor Myanmar Patriots comment, but ignore it. Do not post this guys stupid and insulting comments anymore. They are useless, show little sense for reality. This guy sets himself offside with his little knowledge about Burmese reality.

He is a shame for Burmese People and should be quiet for ever. His comments don't have to do anything with freedom of speech.

Insider 007 Wrote:
Thein Sein, huh selected to be the President of Burma. Than Shwe the sly fox really pulled off the hidden card form his sleeves. Who knows he still has hidden cards under his sleeves. Kyaing Kyaing the advisor of Than Shwe also has a place in Burma politics like the same Thibaws wife. Kyaing Kyaing is like King Thibaws wife surrounded by the Bhramins near her led by Aung Thaung the rouge who goes to Than She's house and gives Than Shwe a massage. Thank God he is not massaging Kyaing Kyaing or it will be another you three I three and we three. The present parliament is a sham. Than Shwe picking Tin Aung Myint Oo is just to pacify him. You may know that Tin Aung Myint Oo's sons had a quarrel with Than Shwe's monkey grandson as he is called and due to Kyaing Kyaing that shop was bulldozed down and there was a bit of an internal friction. To make Tin Aung Myint Oo please Than Shwe's wife Kyaing Kyaing advised that Tin Aung Myint Oo be given the post of VP. Well the dictator still remains.

Venus Wrote:
My thought is somewhat similar to Chnom.
Of course, democracy has never been born in our country yet. The existing govt. is holding the tiger's tail , so the first round will only be the puppet show we can watch, then 2nd round and 3rd round will be more or less rotten fish that we need to wait and see. I believe NLD will also get seats in the parliament , but not in this first round, but in the 2nd or 3rd round with new bloods. By that time, the director and gangs from the recent puppet show and also their rivals of the same generation might have passed away already.

Then new round of new world political order might demand something else and maybe worse than today.

Free Man Wrote:
Dear PB Publico,

1. I can't see any logical reason why we can't argue about religion when we can argue about any other subjects and no one would tell us "please respect" or "don't insult". I think employing a double standard in this matter is also intellectual dishonesty.

2. For me, religions and traditions are inseparable, and they are inextricably intertwined. What are your own definitions of religion and Buddhism? What does Buddhism include?

3. "[In] Buddhism, a woman has all the rights and can practise to (and do) attain arahantahood, the same way men do." This is only half-truth. Visit the following link:

(Note: Dalai Lama himself said one has to become a man before one can enter monkhood when asked by a female Caucasian. And some within the pro-democracy movement argued whether or not it it ok for women to climb on pagodas like men as they discussed about women's rights.)

PB Publico Wrote:
Free Man got it all wrong.

It wasn't religions that discriminate women, but the man-dominated traditions.

For instance, in Buddhism, a woman has all the rights and can practise to (and do) attain arahantahood, the same way men do. This arahantahood, for info, is the highest anybody can attain, the enlightenment of the highest order. The Buddha was an arahanta, although His enlightenment is supreme as the discoverer of the law and as the Perfected Teacher, but a teacher to Himself.

Please do not insult religions with a base thought of vulgarity. We can tolerate your kind, but your kamma will not forget or forgive you. Please stay a disbeliever if you want to, but do not comment without a study of the subject you are going to comment on.

kokopolitical analyzer Wrote:
Myanmar Patriots

Here you are enjoying freedom of expression. Can we have the same right as you in Burma? No way. There is no sign of democracy in Burma yet. Freedom of speech is the basic first step we need. Have I seen it in the new parliament or outside the parliament in Burma? No yet. Same old stories.

Dear Myanmar Patriots,

Do not be confused. Not liking or supporting military dictatorship does not mean that one is not patriotic.

Lack of transparency and freedom of speech have bred corruption. Can you swear the generals are not corrupted or they have not stolen our money?

Anyway they don't have the mandate to govern us. Down with the military dictatorship!

Free Man Wrote:
Tocharian wort: "There is still a lot of discrimination against woman in Burma, not just against ethnics."

Sure. And religion is one of the roots of forms of discrimination against women. If we are to ensure women rights, we will also have to oppose religious teachings that oppress women. For instance, why do women need to become man before they can enter monkhood? Why can't women climb on pagoda like men? Is that because they have vaginas instead of penises? Why women are considered cheap when they lose their virgintiy before marriage whereas men aren't? We really need to examine our thoughts and culture.

Towards a free, egalitarian society!

Myanmar Patriots Wrote:
"Let me be clear that Burma’s new Parliament will not pave the way for change; nor will 'disciplinary democracy flourish.'"


Who are you to say that?

With your pea brain and tiny knowledge, you never see the big picture. It would be wise for you to shut up!

Many of your assertions have been proved to be wrong. Stop digging deeper. Get out of the hole and try to be objective. Above all, be patriotic.

So much for your freedom of expression.

Old Guard Wrote:
Now that a new government in place, the elected MPs( Presidents, military and civilian) should remember who they now are. Remember - Dress doesn't change the mentality, only Wisdom does.
The legacy of Burmese Military started as heroes, then as saviors career soldiers, and now an "army of mercenaries" who serve the corrupted generals. They lost their dignity and love of the people. Soldier and ex-soldier MPs (living on army pensions and benefits) should have a hard look at themselves in a mirror, and realize whom they REALLY OWE - taxpayers, or Sr.Gen.Than Shwe.
Mankind started in history with harsh feudal rules, but the Wise Ones got into good culture and governance, and the Stupids remained where they belong upto now.
Civilian MPs should also do the same and decide what they should do for people they represent,put party manifestos second.
"All MPs must work together for a common cause" that will benefit PEOPLE, not for their own party or army

tocharian Wrote:
One should notice that in spite of this gossip about Kyaing Kyaing and Khin Lay Thet, there are very few women representatives in the two houses. There is still a lot of discrimination against woman in Burma, not just against ethnics. Psychologically, it is a sign of over-compensation that the wives of the generals like to be fighting for power through their husbands. Pathetic!

winny Wrote:
Are you kidding me Than Shwe will never leave his post. People hate not only him but also his family very much esp: his grandson. If he goes down his family goes down. He can not let this happen. He is to stay people.

Michael Kyaw Nyunt Wrote:
Dear Aung Zaw
Do not downgrade yourself by writing Rumours & Gossips.You report the truth without adding your feelings.

Nyi Nyi Wrote:
No country has a president served by two vice-presidents except in Burma for the very reason which is to keep Than Shwe in power. A good old formula used ever since Ne Win was in power. San Yu who said nothing and who did nothing was the first president under Ne win, so will be Thein Sein. No ambition, no charisma, nothing but a walking zombie!

Myo Chit Wrote:
"At 66, he is believed to be suffering from heart disease and wanting to retire"

I guess VP Dr. Sai Mauk Kham's only role is to keep the president alive and healthy.

Chnom Wrote:
Not true. First step of democracy. More democracy will come in the second term including NLD. NLD will be in power in the third term of the parliament. It is the only path the military can breath.

Denys Goldthorpe Wrote:
AUNG ZAW is correct Thein Sein is a puppet it make you sick to see all those puppets lined up in the new so called parliament in their pretty little clothes and behaving just as they were told to by the puppet master Thitsaphout Than Shwe, Than Shwe will not be going any were soon or retiring he as I stated before his hated to much in and outside the junta, he doesn’t trust certain generals like when he took three wives of his generals to India with him as ransom.

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