Burma's Deputy Defense Minister Skips Security Summit
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Burma's Deputy Defense Minister Skips Security Summit

By SAW YAN NAING Saturday, June 5, 2010


Burmese Deputy Defense Minister Maj-Gen Aye Myint was absent from the 9th annual Shangri La Dialogue, an Asia-Pacific security summit held in Singapore on June 4-6.

The summit brings together defense ministers, academics and security experts to discuss Asia-Pacific security issues, including weapons of mass destruction, biological weapons and humanitarian and disaster relief.

Aye Myint's absence came as fresh evidence of Burma's nascent nuclear weapons program was revealed in a documentary aired on the Doha-based Al Jazeera television network on Friday.

Observers said he may have stayed away from the meeting to avoid being questioned about Burma's nuclear program.

“If someone asked him about it, he would have had to say something,” said Chan Htun, a former Burmese ambassador to China. “That's probably why he didn't show up.”

Burma's ambassador to Singapore, Win Myint, was present at the summit.

One of the issues raised at the summit on Friday was the sinking of a South Korean warship, the Cheonan, which Seoul says was torpedoed by North Korea on March 26.

South Korea President Lee Myung-bak asked the UN Security Council to take action against North Korea over the attack.

According to Dr Zarni, a Burmese academic who attended the summit, Lee also mentioned a bomb attack that targeted a South Korean delegation visiting Rangoon in 1983. The attack, carried out by North Korean agents, killed 17 people.

Lee did not, however, mention North Korea's current military assistance to Burma.

A UN report last month said that North Korea is exporting nuclear and ballistic missile technology and using multiple intermediaries, shell companies and overseas criminal networks to circumvent UN sanctions.

The report said its research indicates that Pyongyang is involved in banned nuclear and ballistic weapons activities in Iran, Syria and Burma.

Related stories:

Evidence Points to Burma's Nuclear Weapons 'Intent'

Burma's Nuclear Ambitions 'Threaten Regional Security'

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plan B Wrote:
Kudos to you MP4UMP.

This should be made a "Stickies" that everyone should read b/f posting another "I agree with anything against SPDC".

Does nothing but contribute more to the intransigence of the vilified.

Now will that make Simon Roughneen simply a gossip monger?

PB Publico Wrote:
For once, Mr Patriot4 was right. I think purposefully. Yes indeed, I think for a purpose. I do not, hopefully, think haphazardly. The purpose in these columns is for the good of generations in Burma. Not just for somebody or some group of people. I do not aim for personal benefits in writing in these columns. In fact I do not want anybody to know who or where I am.

Thank you Mr Patriot4 for this chance of explaining myself. And I do not accuse anybody but the junta and their cronies of wrongdoing. I may be wrong in facts and figures sometimes, but never in my purpose.

Thank you, Irrawaddy.

Myanmar Patriot 4 UMPF Wrote:
PB Publico Wrote: 05/06/2010

"The absence can be considered admission of guilt or at least an indication of lack of courage to face questions."
THIS KIND OF THINKING is known as 'purposeful thinking'; it has no logic but wishfulness. It is perverse and against the law of natural justice.
Right, we know there many wrong doings committed by the regime, starting with ShuMaung's BSPP, but that has nothing to do with alleged nuke ambitions.
You can be found to be guilty of 1000 crimes, but still it does not prove that you are guilty of the 1001th crime. Do you understand?
The real problem of our country is stupidity on the part of those in power and those aspiring to power, and of those in exile sucking up to the host country out of moral cowardice or simply inability to think.
Learn to be more intelligent and think critically.
Just look at the latest posting regarding the Burmese ambassador; unlike the treasonous ignoramouses, the SPDC do listen to what we say. Be straight,talk straight.

Natshinnaung Wrote:
Cheaters are afraid to face the truth. The international media is waiting to interview them and Than Shwe and his stooges do not dare to be confronted by the media in Singapore. Thieves and cheaters are always like that.

Myanmar patriot 4 UMPF Wrote:
1.Aye Myint's absence came as fresh evidence of Burma's nascent nuclear weapons program was revealed in a documentary aired on the Doha-based Al Jazeera television network on Friday.
DOCUMENTARY is often a fakecumentary, over dramatised and designed to brainwash the viewers. Who controls Al Jazeera editorial policy?
To suggest that AyeMyint's absence is evidence is far fetched; there could be 1000 other reasons.
2."“If someone asked him about it, he would have had to say something,” said Chan Htun, a former Burmese ambassador to China. “That's probably why he didn't show up.”
SHEER speculation. Why did Chan Htun become a turncoat? Where does he live now?
3.Burma's ambassador to Singapore, Win Myint, was present at the summit.
WHY didn't anyone raise the question to the ambassador?
4.".. Dr Zarni,.. who attended the summit: Lee also mentioned a bomb attack that targeted a South Korean delegation visiting Rangoon in 1983.The attack, carried out by North Korean agents. We know that. Proves nothing

PB Publico Wrote:
The absence can be considered admission of guilt or at least an indication of lack of courage to face questions.
There is no one in Burma who can answer to any question raised about the outstanding issues (national, regional or internation) directly related to the junta's action or inaction. Not even Than Shwe will answer any question raised to him directly or otherwise. They would hide their foolish, highly destructive and expensive plans and acts behind the soiled cloak of "protection of national sovereignty."
No one (that includes Than Shwe) in Burma is answerable to any question (social, economic, political, etc.) raised in response to whatever happens in Burma. It is obvious that they are not responsible for whatever they might have done, particularly in cases like this nuke/missile issue.
I would have been surprised if the Minister attended the forum. It would not be as easy as saying, "There are no political prisoners in Burma." In any case, no one believes them.

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