North Korea Exporting Nuke Technology to Burma: UN Experts
covering burma and southeast asia
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

North Korea Exporting Nuke Technology to Burma: UN Experts

By EDITH M. LEDERER/ AP Writer Friday, May 28, 2010

Burma President Thein Sein delivers a speech at the presidential house in Naypyidaw, Burma on March 31, 2011.
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and French government assessments, reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency, research papers and media reports indicating Pyongyang's continuing involvement in such activities.
These reports indicate North Korea "has continued to provide missiles, components, and technology to certain countries including Iran and Syria ... (and) has provided assistance for a nuclear program in Syria, including the design and construction of a thermal reactor at Dair Alzour," the panel said.

Syria denied the allegations in a letter to the IAEA, but the U.N. nuclear agency is still trying to obtain reports on the site and its activities, the panel said.

The experts said they are also looking into "suspicious activity in Burma," including activities of Namchongang Trading, one of the companies subject to U.N. sanctions, and reports that Japan in June 2009 arrested three individuals for attempting to illegally export a magnetometer — which measures magnetic fields — to Burma via Malaysia allegedly under the direction of a company known to be associated with illicit procurement for North Korea's nuclear and military programs. The company was not identified.

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Eric Johnston Wrote:
This is an interesting piece, and it is not difficult to believe that the Naypyidaw regime is aiming for a nuclear arsenal. However the title suggests evidence in the body of the article which seems to be lacking.

Zam Mang Wrote:
The world's most crooked people are signing the deal to destroy their own citizens. They are heroes indeed.

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