Arms Imported Over New Year?
covering burma and southeast asia
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Arms Imported Over New Year?

By WAI MOE Monday, May 10, 2010

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Campbell is in Burma on Sunday and Monday for his second trip to the country. The Burma-North Korea relationship is expected to be on his agenda. Speaking in Hong Kong at the end of April, Campbell said he will focus on a “strategic dialogue.”
Human rights groups, however, are suggesting this could undermine human rights issues in Burma.

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aung naing moe Wrote:
I agree with Mr. John. What I'd like to request the today's patriotic members of Myanmar Army to stage a second anti-facist wars against a handful of Than Shwe and his followers and their cronies. Only the patriotic soldiers within Tatmadaw can save our country from the bullies like Than Shwe, Maung Aye, Thein Sein, Tin Aung Myint Oo, and others. We are looking forward seeing genuine martyrs from Tatmadaw to save the country.

Rod Power Wrote:
If there was a war now between Thailand's 350,000 soldiers and Burma's 550,000 standing army including child soldiers... Thailand would still win.

That will all change within 40 months ...Burma and China will be the new champion and pave the way through South East Asia...history repeating as far as Im concerned the Thai's should attack General Than Swhe and his army before it is to late ... At all cost protect the God King of Thailand.

john eichler Wrote:
The U.S. is closely watching ties between Burma and N. Korea. Campbell said he will focus on "strategic dialogue". So what! What does all this mean? Nothing at all.
It seems to me that everyone is "closely watching" Burma's slow descent into hell.
When the diplomats think they see a light at the end of the tunnel in Burma, they are all kidding themselves. Nothing is going to happen until the Burmese, with the help of the Tatmadaw, take back their own country.

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