Prominent Burmese Cartoonist Pe Thein Dies
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Sunday, February 09, 2025

Prominent Burmese Cartoonist Pe Thein Dies

By THE IRRAWADDY Friday, June 19, 2009


Pe Thein, a prominent Burmese satirical cartoonist and artist, passed away at his home in Rangoon early Friday morning, according to sources.

The 86-year-old was widely respected for both his artistic gifts and his political convictions.

Pe Thein (Source: Moe Ma Kha)
“He always stood for the truth,” said fellow cartoonist Aw Pi Kyae, speaking to The Irrawaddy on Friday.

In 1988, Pe Thein’s work was banned for several years after he published a cartoon interpreted by the authorities as supporting the popular uprising against military rule in that year.

The Burmese army brutally crushed protests and killed an estimated 3,000 people when it seized power in September 1988.

Win Tin, a prominent member of the opposition National League for Democracy and a close friend of Pe Thein, said, “He used his artistic skills to serve the people.”

Pe Thein started drawing as a university student, before Burma had regained its independence from British colonial rule.     

In 1947, his cartoons started to appear in Oway Magazine, a well-known publication. He also published his work in the Daily Mirror newspaper.

He also worked with Myanmar Traditional Artisans Association. 

Pe Thein was born in Patanaw in Irrawaddy Division. He married his wife, Khin Lay Nwe, in 1962. He is survived by his wife and six children.

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