2010: A Busy Year on All Fronts
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2010: A Busy Year on All Fronts

By YENI Thursday, December 30, 2010

(Page 3 of 3)

The International Atomic Energy Agency has asked Burma to be allowed to visit a number of suspect nuclear sites and facilities.

Against this grim backdrop of greed and growing tensions, the most positive development of the year was Suu Kyi's release from house arrest a week after the election, although that is small consolation in a country that still has some 2,200 political prisoners behind bars.

But this is a time to be hopeful, so perhaps we can take some comfort in seeing the eagerness with which Burma's young welcomed Suu Kyi's return to the national political stage, and the youthful exuberance of Suu Kyi herself, despite her long years of isolation. No sooner did she reappear than she began reaching out to the world and her fellow Burmese, sometimes using technology that didn't even exist the last time she was free.

Let us hope, then, that 2010 will be the last year of Burma's era of military-scripted politics and that 2011 will usher in new possibilities, some of which are still beyond our imagining.

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Myanmar Patriots Wrote:
IRRAWADDY will face difficulties increasingly in 2011, eventually windling up.

Tom Tun Wrote:
I deeply thank to Irrawaddy group for doing outstanding job of reporting in 2010. I also think of what to share for the new year. There are 2 points come to mind. (1) STOICISM, stoicism is the philosophy combine of Physical, Logical and moral. If you use stoicism base thinking, most likely you will get a good result. For example, last year election result, Physically, same old military stooge were elected. Logically, election law was unfair and unjust. 2008 constitution grant regime to pull the string as they want in the future. These are logical facts. Thirdly most of the things that regime do to the people, will regime like it if people do the same thing to them? So, that will answer for the moral base thinking.
(2) Philosophy has the meaning of SEARCHING FOR WISDOM. Wisdom is define as truth, right things, righteousness. So, this year, let the Burmese youth will have philosophical revolution and lead positively. Happy New Year to you all.

Denys Goldthorpe Wrote:
The year of 2010 will be remembered when Than Shwe had his stooges run in that illegal election. He had everyone barred who has been convicted of a crime by his illegal regime, that’s everyone convicted because they dared to stand up and say no to Thitsaphout’s evil regime. Brothers and Sisters in every part of Burma yield not to this traitor Than Shwe, join your brothers and sisters in the forces opposed to this evil government, no longer allow them to murder you people, no longer should you have to live in fear in your own country.

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