Peng Jiasheng’s Fall from Grace
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Peng Jiasheng’s Fall from Grace

By AUNG ZAW Tuesday, September 8, 2009

(Page 2 of 2)

In the same report, the Secretary of the Treasury also stated that Burmese government officials were suspected of being involved in the counterfeiting of U.S. currency.”

The report said that though there is little direct evidence of top-level regime members’ involvement in drug trafficking related corruption, “There is evidence that high-level officials and Burmese military officers have benefited financially from the earnings of transnational crime organizations. In the case of the drug trade, reports indicate Burmese military officials at various levels have several means to gain substantial shares of narcotics trafficking earnings.”

With such a past, the recent regime accusations labeling Peng Jiasheng a leader in the drug trade and illegal arms are nothing new.

However, it is interesting to note that the regime is singling out only Peng Jiasheng’s notorious past.

The rest of the current and former ethnic drug traffickers including Lo Hsing-han and the Wa leaders are still at-large, enjoying the benefits of the ceasefire “peace” in Burma. At least, for now.

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George Than Setkyar Heine Wrote:
There you are. Drug runners like Peng Jiasheng and Boa You Xiang heading Kokang rebels and UWSA and demanding to recognize their rule in Wa State and Kokang territory still holding their hardware are simply unacceptable since day one as they are only China's proxies.

If Than Shwe goes for their skulps they will run into China wait and see. Than Shwe's job today is to cleanse Burma of all these unsavory characters first as head of the Burma Army responsible for the country's territorial integrity and national sovereignty under threat like today.

Running the country and working for the prosperity and posterity of the people rest in the hands of the people and their chosen leaders led by Daw Suu today.

Daw Suu holds the key for Burma's future as Than Shwe is responsible for the country's defense and stability.

Neither one can do without the other is the case in point at this juncture. It is right in place of fight is the answer at the end of the day, lest Than Shwe forgets.

KKK Wrote:
To Peng Jiasheng:

You need to get revenge on Lo Hsing-han and families and his thugs. They are the ones who made you to become a fugitive.

To Ko Aung Zaw:

You should have included how much Peng Jiasheng had given commissions to the generals from his drug trading income.

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